Waddle With Me (12 month - 2 years) – This parent participation class will not only create a wonderful bonding experience with your little ones but will also create memories that will last a lifetime! Class objectives include improving gross and fine motor skills, cognitive skills, communication and social skills through gymnastics, music, and play in a fun & safe environment.
Come with Me (2- 3 ½) – This parent participation class is a transitional class to the Star Gazers program. The lightly structured class is designed to have a parent assist but begins a progression for a more structured and teacher-led class.
Star Gazers & Star Catchers (3 ½ - 6 years) – This independent class is for children who are ready to be on their own for the first time while they learn gymnastics. We will focus on helping children to develop listening and cooperative skills with an emphasis on both gross and fine motor skill development. Children will learn gymnastics terminology, shapes, and movement in a creative and fun class setting.
Gymnastics Program for Preschool Kids
Call us for a FREE evaluation!
(203) 372-3222
Best and safest place ever! They are doing incredible job to make out kids happy and healthy! Thank you very much!
- Rita Matt
Office Hours
Monday 3:00 - 6:30
Tuesday 12:30 - 6:30
Wednesday 1:00 - 6:00
Thursday 9:30 - 6:30
Friday 10:30 - 6:00
Saturday 9:30 - 12:30
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